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    美国能源部宣布斥资 2.64 亿美元进行能源 Earthshots™

    发布时间: 2023-10-25  点击次数: 655次

    美国能源部宣布斥资 2.64 亿美元进行能源 Earthshots™

    11 个新的国家实验室主导的能源 Earthshot 研究中心和 18 个大学项目将应对严峻的科学挑战,帮助到 2050 年实现净零碳,解决气候危机

    美国能源部 (DOE) 今天宣布为 29 个项目提供 2.64 亿美元的资助,以开发解决方案,应对DOE 的 Energy Earthshots™ 计划所面临的科学挑战 ,以在十年内推进清洁能源技术。这笔资金将支持由美国能源部国家实验室领导的 11 个新能源 Earthshot 研究中心和 18 个大学研究团队,研究一个或多个 Energy Earthshots™,重点关注六个不同领域,包括工业脱碳、碳储存和海上风电。美国国务院发起了“能源地球倡议",以促进脱碳努力,帮助美国实现总统雄心勃勃的气候和清洁能源目标,包括到 2030 年碳排放量减少 50%,到 2050 年实现净零碳经济。

    美国能源部长詹妮弗·M·格兰霍姆 (Jennifer M. Granholm) 表示:“我们的能源地球计划是改变游戏规则的努力,旨在释放清洁能源转型的技术,并使这些技术变得容易获取、负担得起且丰富。" “能源地球研究中心以及在全国各地大学校园开展的相关工作将有助于开发我们建立 100% 清洁电网和应对气候变化所需的清洁能源和脱碳解决方案。"

    Energy Earthshots™ 连接能源部的基础科学和能源技术办公室,以加速创新,实现更丰富、负担得起且可靠的清洁能源解决方案。这些努力旨在改变美国各地的许多部门,并将依靠基础科学和创新技术来取得成功。

    这 29 个项目是根据美国能源部的两项征集,通过竞争性同行评审选出的:《能源地球研究中心国家实验室计划公告》和《能源地球研究科学基金会资助机会公告》。两次征集都涵盖了前六项能源地球射击: 碳负射击™、 增强型地热射击™、 漂浮海上风射击™、 氢射击™、 工业热射击™和 长时间储存射击™。此后,美国能源部宣布了第七项计划: 清洁燃料和产品计划™。

    能源 Earthshots™ 的科学基础

    美国能源部科学办公室向 14 个州 18 所不同大学的研究人员授予了总计 6910 万美元的资金,这些研究人员将研究氢弧等离子体以实现无碳炼钢,以及如何利用百亿亿次计算机模拟和观察使清洁能源系统更具弹性。

    • 亚利桑那州立大学,亚利桑那州坦佩

    • 加州理工学院,帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚州

    • 佐治亚理工学院,佐治亚州亚特兰大

    • 佐治亚州立大学,佐治亚州亚特兰大

    • 纽约大学, 纽约州, 纽约州

    • 俄亥俄州立大学,俄亥俄州哥伦布市

    • 加州大学洛杉矶分校,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州

    • 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校,加利福尼亚州圣克鲁斯

    • 佛罗里达大学,佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔

    • 夏威夷大学马诺阿分校,夏威夷檀香山

    • 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,伊利诺伊州芝加哥

    • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

    • 明尼苏达大学双城分校,明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯

    • 内华达大学里诺分校 , 里诺, 内华达州

    • 宾夕法尼亚大学,宾夕法尼亚州费城

    • 德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校,德克萨斯州埃尔帕索

    • 圣路易斯华盛顿大学,密苏里州圣路易斯

    • 耶鲁大学,康涅狄格州纽黑文


    能源地球计划研究中心将支持多机构、多学科团队解决与能源地球计划相关的关键基础研究挑战。这些中心将设在美国能源部的八个国家实验室内,四年内将总共获得 1.95 亿美元的资金。


    • C-STEEL:电合成钢铁电气化中心


    • C4M:EGS 水泥基复合材料耦合化学力学中心


    • CIWE:离聚物水电解中心

    • RESTOR-C:通过精准生物策略恢复土壤碳


    • 土壤改造 EERC:通过先进的基因组学和地球化学加速土壤碳减少


    • 度:电热储能中的降解反应

    • FLOWMAS:浮动海上风建模和仿真


    • NEETER:高效反应的非平衡能量转移


    • ACE-FWICC:应对能源挑战:气候变化中的浮动风能

    • CUSSP:了解地下信号和渗透率中心


    • PEHPr:等离子体增强制氢科学中心

    持续时间长达 4 年的项目的总资金为 2.64 亿美元,其中 2023 财年资金为 1 亿美元,而年度资金则取决于国会拨款。项目列表和更多信息可以在 科学能源地球计划办公室 主页上找到。

    DOE Announces $264M Energy Earthshots™

    11 New National Lab-Led Energy Earthshot Research Centers and 18 University Projects Will Address Tough Scientific Challenges to Help Achieve Net-Zero Carbon by 2050, Solve Climate Crisis

    September 29, 2023

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $264 million in funding for 29 projects to develop solutions for the scientific challenges underlying DOE’s Energy Earthshots™ Initiative to advance clean energy technologies within the decade. The funding will support 11 new Energy Earthshot Research Centers led by DOE National Laboratories and 18 university research teams addressing one or more of the Energy Earthshots™ that are focused on six different areas, including industrial decarbonization, carbon storage, and offshore wind. The Department launched the Energy Earthshots Initiative to spur decarbonization efforts that will help the United States meet President Biden’s ambitious climate and clean energy goals, including a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.

    “Our Energy Earthshots are game-changing endeavors to unleash the technologies of the clean energy transition and make them accessible, affordable, and abundant," said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “The Energy Earthshot Research Centers and the related work happening on college campuses around the country will be instrumental in developing the clean energy and decarbonization solutions we need to establish a 100% clean grid and beat climate change."

    The Energy Earthshots™ connect DOE’s basic science and energy technology offices to accelerate innovations toward more abundant, affordable, and reliable clean energy solutions. These efforts seek to revolutionize many sectors across the United States and will rely on fundamental science and innovative technology to be successful.

    The 29 projects were selected by competitive peer review under two DOE solicitations: the National Laboratory Program Announcement for Energy Earthshot Research Centers and the Funding Opportunity Announcement for Science Foundations for Energy Earthshots. Both solicitations covered the first six Energy Earthshots: Carbon Negative Shot™, Enhanced Geothermal Shot™, Floating Offshore Wind Shot™, Hydrogen Shot™, Industrial Heat Shot™, and Long Duration Storage Shot™. Since then, DOE announced a seventh: the Clean Fuels & Products Shot™.

    Science Foundations for Energy Earthshots™

    DOE’s Office of Science awarded a combined $69.1 million to researchers at 18 different universities across 14 states that will, for example, investigate hydrogen arc plasmas to make steelmaking carbon-free and how to make clean energy systems more resilient using exascale computer simulations and observations.

    • Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

    • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

    • Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

    • Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia

    • New York University, New York, New York

    • The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

    • University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California

    • University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California

    • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    • University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawaii

    • University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

    • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

    • University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota

    • University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada

    • University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    • The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas

    • Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri

    • Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

    Energy Earthshot Research Centers

    The Energy Earthshot Research Centers will support multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary teams addressing key basic research challenges relevant to the Energy Earthshots. The centers will be housed at eight DOE National Laboratories and will receive a combined $195 million across four years.

    Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Illinois

    • C-STEEL: Center for Steel Electrification by Electrosynthesis

    Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York

    • C4M: Center for Coupled Chemo-Mechanics of Cementitious Composites for EGS

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California

    • CIWE: Center for Ionomer-based Water Electrolysis

    • RESTOR-C: RESTORation of Soil Carbon by Precision Biological Strategies

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California

    • Terraforming Soil EERC: Accelerating Soil-Based Carbon Drawdown Through Advanced Genomics and Geochemistry

    National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado

    • DEGREES: Degradation Reactions in Electrothermal Energy Storage

    • FLOWMAS: Floating Offshore Wind Modeling and Simulation

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

    • NEETER: Non-Equilibrium Energy Transfer for Efficient Reactions

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington

    • ACE-FWICC: Addressing Challenges in Energy: Floating Wind in a Changing Climate

    • CUSSP: Center for Understanding Subsurface Signals and Permeability

    Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey

    • PEHPr: Center for the Science of Plasma-Enhanced Hydrogen Production

    Total funding is $264 million for projects lasting up to 4 years in duration, with $100 million in Fiscal Year 2023 dollars and outyear funding contingent on congressional appropriations. The list of projects and more information can be found on the Office of Science Energy Earthshot initiative homepage.

    Selection for award negotiations is not a commitment by DOE to issue an award or provide funding. Before funding is issued, DOE and the applicants will undergo a negotiation process, and DOE may cancel negotiations and rescind the selection for any reason during that time.